Do You Procrastinate Out of Fear?

Have you ever been in a position of flux?  You don’t know exactly what to do and you are so afraid to make the wrong decision that you have frightened yourself into non-action. You procrastinate, whine and moan, teeter back and forth and literally feel frozen in your...

Whatever Your Calling, It is God’s Work

There are some people who say “I have a vocation” or “I have a calling” or “I know that what I am doing is my purpose in life”. I used to be envious of these people until I realized that they are no different than anyone else on this earth, and they are certainly no...

What’s Your Tipping Point?

There is a specific point in time, a special number when reached that a critical mass meets the outer limit of its’ current comfort zone… At that very second, the scales tip, never to return again to their former existence and place in the world. It is at this time...
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