Your Body Knows Everything

Today I am listening to my body. It is telling me torest and relax. A few days ago while we were out walking, Kathy and I decided to do some interval sprints. It felt pretty darn good to be flying down the street – I know it didn’t necessarily look that way...

Celebrate the Present

You are alive. You are breathing and well in this moment. You have another opportunity in this very second to take a step towards the thing you desire. There is nothing holding you back You have watched from the sidelines as others leap forward with expectancy and...

Middle of the Night Twinges

They happen to everyone at some time or another. You wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with the remnants of a crazy dream swirling around in your head. You missed the deadline, or you forgot to send that email, or you really need to have an answer...

The Power of A Superstorm

WOW!  Who knew we would be living through one of the worst storms ever in the history of the Northeast United States?  Even if you were not in the path of Superstorm Sandy, you have surely seen and heard the devastation that has taken place across much of our...
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