Monsters in the Shadows

As children, we often conjured up monsters in the darkness of the night. These monsters were so real to us that we were unable to go to sleep, we called for our parents to rescue us and we even shook in our sheets. What we now know as adults is that there were no...

What The Heck Has Been Going On?

It’s been several weeks since we sent out a newsletter and I am wondering ‘where did the time go’? This is a rhetorical question, of course, because time is an illusion and a human-made construct designed to mark the passage of our lives. And...

A Slight Shift of Perspective

Have you ever cleaned a countertop, a window pane or a stainless steel refrigerator?  Have you noticed that when you moved away from it, even just an inch or two, you saw that you had missed a spot or that there were streaks you didn’t see before?  The surface that...
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