Are You Merry and Bright?

‘Tis the season for good cheer, peace on earth and blessings. So why do you have moments of overwhelm and even sadness when the rest of the world seems to be merry and bright? It’s simple. The holidays bring up and amplify for us those emotions that may have been...

Thanks for Giving and Thanks for Receiving

GRATITUDE is a feeling in your heart that resonates through your entire body. It doesn’t matter if you are on the giving or receiving end of gratitude – it works just the same. As it moves through you, it literally makes you healthier and happier. You know this is...

Think Pink

When we hear these words, most of our thoughts automatically go to breast cancer. We think of the women we know who are directly affected – our friends, family members, colleagues, people in our spiritual circles, celebrities and others. We think of the women...
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