That’s Just Crazy Talk!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are listening to someone, and this person in front of you is saying something that is virtually unbelievable to you or so outlandish that you don’t really know how to respond.  You don’t want to hurt their feelings...

Your Story Is Whatever You Decide

The two articles we are sharing this week both speak about the significance of storytelling.  Truly, we are all storytellers; whether we tell stories to ourselves, about ourselves or about our observances, perspectives and circumstances, we are thinking and speaking...

That’s Just Crazy Talk

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are listening to someone, and this person in front of you is saying something that is virtually unbelievable to you or so outlandish that you don’t really know how to respond.  You don’t want to hurt their feelings...

What’s In It For Me?

The most common question that goes through the mind of the person you are communicating with is, “What’s in it for me?”. Other similar questions tossing around in their head are, “What should I do with this information?”, “How can I assist her?”, and “Why is she...
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