Who’s to Say?

    As you tune in to conversations that are going on around you, you will hear lots of people saying things like “That’s not good” or “That’s just plain wrong” or “It shouldn’t be this way”. Phrases like these express sentiments of displeasure, anger,...

You’re an Original

It’s true. There is no one else on this whole planet that is exactly like you. In fact, no one even comes close. You are the only one who holds your unique point of view and you are the only one who sees the world through your eyes. Even when others say to you, “Hey,...

Thanks for Giving and Thanks for Receiving

GRATITUDE is a feeling in your heart that resonates through your entire body. It doesn’t matter if you are on the giving or receiving end of gratitude – it works just the same. As it moves through you, it literally makes you healthier and happier. You know this is...
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