Enough is Enough

How do you know when you have reached your limit? How do you know when to stop, bless it and move on? How do you know when something good is good enough? These are not easy questions to answer, and indeed the right answer for you may not be the right answer for...

Moving to the Next Level

Life is good and everything is pretty much “copasetic “.  You’re healthy and have people who love you, you have a roof over your head and food to eat.  Things could definitely be worse and you really don’t have much to complain about, right? So why do you feel there...

New Year, New You ~ Or Not

The powers that be would have us believe that the beginning of a new year means the beginning of new habits and new ways of being. We search for new bodies, better relationships, the end of ‘bad habits’ and more material stuff. We’re tricked each year into believing...

Moving to the Next Level

Life is good and everything is pretty much “copasetic “. You’re healthy and have people who love you, you have a roof over your head and food to eat. Things could definitely be worse and you really don’t have much to complain about, right? So why do you feel there is...
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