A Slight Shift of Perspective

Have you ever cleaned a countertop, a window pane or a stainless steel refrigerator?  Have you noticed that when you moved away from it, even just an inch or two, you saw that you had missed a spot or that there were streaks you didn’t see before?  The surface that...

What do BBQ and Fireworks have to do with Freedom?

The 4th of July holiday is coming up next weekend and, as we know here in America,  it’s a tradition to celebrate Independence Day with BBQs, beach-going, parties, flag-flying, and fireworks. I was thinking about the USA celebrating her independence as a nation, and...

The Whole Enchilada or a Tasty Morsel

So what kind of gal are you? Do you like knowing every single detail before you make a decision? Do you need to know the ins and outs, the ups and downs? Are you always looking for more so you are satisfied that you won’t miss anything? Do you like to fill yourself up...

Do You Allow Inspiration In?

Pretty much every day I am blessed to be in conversation with at least one amazing woman who is out there living her dream, loving her life and leaving nothing to chance. These women have set themselves up for the amazing riches life has to offer, because they have...
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