There’s more than one way.

Some people move through their lives and become set in their ways.  They enjoy only one way of eating a bagel, take the same road to the office every day and have clearly mastered a pattern of thinking that they do not sway from.  They find comfort and security in...

Open Your Mind to Possibility

In the reading of the bestselling book Women, Food and God, I found myself immersed in the possibility of release.  Release from a lifetime of feeling caught up in so many emotions about food.  What Geneen Roth taught me through the pages of her book is that we are...

Open Your Eyes to What’s In Front of You

So many people live their lives with blinders on. They fail to see what is in front of them right now, in this moment, and instead they seem to focus on and live in the past. The past has passed. You can’t effect it or change it, and no matter what, it will...

No Regrets

Many people live their lives with a series of regrets. Regrets for hurtful words spoken or for beautiful sentiments left unexpressed. Regrets for chances not acted upon and for risks not taken. When people who are in their sunset years have regrets, those regrets are...

Where Are You Headed?

Have you taken time to evaluate where you’re headed in your life? Have you looked at where you are versus where you would like to be? You can start by taking a few minutes to look at your current circumstances and comparing them to where you were a year ago. Has the...
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