Discombobulated to Calm

Discombobulated to Calm Do you think you have everything planned for the day ahead? How about the week ahead? That’s what I thought last week and then my whole week was upended by circumstances beyond my control. Nothing terrible happened – just a LOT of...

Million Dollar Ideas

You’ve probably had at least one million dollar idea in your lifetime, right? In fact, I imagine you might have even had ten or even a hundred of them. Some people will even attest that they saw their idea ‘in the flesh’ on a store shelf or for sale on the internet...

There’s No Time Like the Present.

You’ve heard it before – and it bears repeating – there’s no time like the present. What this speaks to is the value of this very moment. As far as you know, it’s the only one you’ve got; and every single moment after the one you’re in is a bonus. Living in the NOW is...

Trying and Failing

This past month I entered a contest and lost. I didn’t win. I didn’t get the prize. I didn’t get the title. I failed. AND…I am already looking for the next contest, and I’ll be happy again even if I fail. Why? Am I a glutton for punishment? No, in fact it is exactly...
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