Endings = Beginnings

I’m not usually one to make black and white statements. I believe in unlimited shades of gray, multiple facets, and the many different perspectives there are to view things. I have found though that there are a few things that are simply as they are—absolutes, if you...

The Power of a Post-It

I gotta say, I love me a pad of post-it notes. There is something so powerful about being able to write something and then release it when it no longer serves a purpose. I think that’s why they invented the non-permanent adhesive on the back of the post-it… because...

No Regrets

Many people live their lives with a series of regrets.  Regrets for hurtful words spoken or for beautiful sentiments left unexpressed.  Regrets for chances not acted upon and for risks not taken.  When people in their ‘sunset years’ have been asked about the things...

Releasing Judgment – Is it Possible?

We are bred to make judgments. Early on as kids we are taught the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. This translated to who we should be friends with, what school, sport and instrument is best for us, how to talk to authority figures, what to eat and...

Resistance Magnifies

Have you ever noticed that whatever you resist persists? Even though your intention is to resist it so it goes away and does not have power over you, as long as you continue to give energy to a thing or a thought, it simply continues to grow.  It doesn’t matter if...
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