by Sue Urda | Mar 10, 2017 | Empowerment
Do you feel that time is flying by? Or is it just me? It seems like only yesterday I was taking down the Christmas decorations, forcing myself to remember to write 2017, and now it’s March 10th. What the heck? My Gram Urda used to say “Wait until you get older Sue,...
by Sue Urda | Nov 4, 2016 | Empowerment
I feel as though my bandwidth is being tested these days. It’s as though I can’t possibly fit all the people, productivity, and joy in my life that I am drawn to right now. I have made commitments in my business to deliver certain things that require my...
by Sue Urda | Sep 9, 2016 | Empowerment, Stress
It’s been several weeks since we sent out a newsletter and I am wondering ‘where did the time go’? This is a rhetorical question, of course, because time is an illusion and a human-made construct designed to mark the passage of our lives. And...
by Sue Urda | May 19, 2015 | Mindfulness, Personal Growth
I don’t know about you, but the best way for me to get anything done is to give myself a hard and fast deadline. When I know I have a limited period of time to complete a task some really cool things start happening in my brain and body. It’s as if I find a gear I...
by Sue Urda | Jan 22, 2015 | Empowerment, Gratitude
“If anything is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly.” ~Martha N. Beck Your day starts off as it usually does – wake up, take a shower, make breakfast and pack lunches, get the kids off to school, kiss hubby goodbye and settle into your routine. And...