Choose Joy

Joy is a choice. It is not something someone else gives to you. It is not something you find. It is not a time or a moment in your life. Joy is a choice. In each moment, in each interaction, in each person, it is up to you to recognize the joy, create the joy and be...

Thanks for Giving and Thanks for Receiving

GRATITUDE is a feeling in your heart that resonates through your entire body. It doesn’t matter if you are on the giving or receiving end of gratitude – it works just the same. As it moves through you, it literally makes you healthier and happier. You know this is...

Shift Happens

A shift is a slight movement, stirring or change. Throughout the day, many little shifts are occurring around you and within you. These shifts may be in the form of a new thought, an altering of a current thought or a movement of energy. Energetic shifts are the ones...

Energy Vampires are Sucky Things

There are people among us who, on occasion and effortlessly, seem to suck the life out of us. You know them because they leave you feeling drained. These people are referred to as Energy Vampires. They may be people you love, work with or are close to. They may not...
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