Mirror, Mirror of Myself

We’ve all had times in our life when we meet someone, and we experience dejavu. We could swear we’ve met them before. In an attempt to make the connection, we ask lots of questions to figure out how we might know them. ‘Did you grow up in Texas?’ ‘Where did you go to...

We Need Each Other

Scientists have been studying the interaction of human beings for centuries and the conclusion is always the same. We need each other. Physically we have a need for human touch. Infants who are not held and touched in their first months of life either die or become...

Giving as a Way of Life

We know that giving has a way of making us feel really, really good. This, in and of itself, is a good enough reason to give of yourself, your energy, your time and your stuff to others. As you feel good, more good is drawn unto you. Therefore, focusing your attention...

Take the Scenic Route

In our daily lives we may hold many conversations in the course of a few hours, work our way through a multitude of tasks and often rush from one place to another. As we sit down to recount the days achievements, we often note that we don’t remember much of what...

The Ringing Phone

Do you feel compelled to answer the phone each time it rings? Do you answer it even when you are in the middle of a task, a conversation or some down time for yourself? Although, as humans we are conditioned to answer the phone, perhaps it is time to let it ring....
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