What’s In It For Me?

The most common question that goes through the mind of the person you are communicating with is, “What’s in it for me?”. Other similar questions tossing around in their head are, “What should I do with this information?”, “How can I assist her?”, and “Why is she...

Take the Scenic Route

In our daily lives we may hold many conversations in the course of a few hours, work our way through a multitude of tasks and often rush from one place to another. As we sit down to recount the days achievements, we often note that we don’t remember much of what...

Are you a Possibility Thinker?

Possibility thinkers are those who dwell in the realm of all that could be. They remove their thoughts from “what is” and decide to focus their vision on what “could be” possible if they would allow themselves to think it. Possibility thinkers are often accused of...
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