Bending Without Breaking

Knowing when to be flexible and when to stay firm is a mainstay of successful and happy people. There are times when it is in your best interest to stick to your guns and not budge an inch. These are times when your integrity, character and basic truth are in play....

Tapping Into the Universal Brain

Have you ever had an idea and thought “Wow, this is a spectacular idea. Someday, I’m going to produce this and everyone in the world own one”?  Then a few months later, you see the product you had envisioned on a late-night infomercial selling for $29 and you...

Who’s to Say?

    As you tune in to conversations that are going on around you, you will hear lots of people saying things like “That’s not good” or “That’s just plain wrong” or “It shouldn’t be this way”. Phrases like these express sentiments of displeasure, anger,...

That’s Just Crazy Talk

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are listening to someone, and this person in front of you is saying something that is virtually unbelievable to you or so outlandish that you don’t really know how to respond.  You don’t want to hurt their feelings...

Giving as a Way of Life

We know that giving has a way of making us feel really, really good. This, in and of itself, is a good enough reason to give of yourself, your energy, your time and your stuff to others. As you feel good, more good is drawn unto you. Therefore, focusing your attention...
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