Making Time Out of Thin Air

An emergency comes up out of nowhere and you are “forced” to take time for something or someone that you had not planned. You have decided that the emergency takes precedence over everything else, because the person or thing that emerged is more important to you than...

Get ‘Em From the Get Go

It is within a matter of seconds that a first impression is made – this goes for meeting someone in person as well as reading something in writing.  In a matter of seconds our brains form an opinion about the person in front of us. Our mind draws on a lifetime...

A September 11th Remembrance

I remember waking up on Sept. 11th ten years ago. I was in Las Vegas for a sign convention with Kathy. I turned on the television to Good Morning America and instead I saw what looked like a disaster zone. We were confused about what we were seeing because the words...

Mirror, Mirror of Myself

We’ve all had times in our life when we meet someone, and we experience dejavu. We could swear we’ve met them before. In an attempt to make the connection, we ask lots of questions to figure out how we might know them. ‘Did you grow up in Texas?’ ‘Where did you go to...

We Need Each Other

Scientists have been studying the interaction of human beings for centuries and the conclusion is always the same. We need each other. Physically we have a need for human touch. Infants who are not held and touched in their first months of life either die or become...
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