The Gift of a Gratitude Share (and how to hold one)

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart The longtime holiday of Thanksgiving is a perfect reminder of one of the most sacred spiritual practices we can bring into our lives; the practice of gratitude....

A Bad Mood is and Indicator of Change

Have you ever woken up ‘grumpy” or with a pervasive feeling of dread or sadness?  You search your mind wondering where these feelings and thoughts come from, and you have no answer – just this horrible bad mood to deal with. So you try to change your mood by...

It’s Better Because of You

By your inherent nature and energy, you continually affect everything and everyone you come in contact with.  The combined energy of your heart space and your brain send ‘waves’ to all that surrounds you and simply by thinking and feeling, you literally create the...

Are You Truly Alive?

You know you are TRULY ALIVE when, upon awakening in the morning and realizing you are still on the planet, you thank the heavens for this new day and for your beautiful life. And you feel joyful and blessed for the opportunity of another chance to show up, share love...

Are You Merry and Bright?

‘Tis the season for good cheer, peace on earth and blessings. So why do you have moments of overwhelm and even sadness when the rest of the world seems to be merry and bright? It’s simple. The holidays bring up and amplify for us those emotions that may have been...
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