Guidance and Insights from 35 Inspiring Women

Are you at a crossroad? Would you like some guidance & insights from 35 inspiring women who have made some big changes on their own paths, who now live life on their terms & in a state of JOY? These women share how they choose to live more consciously every...

Does Authenticity Frighten You?

Are you afraid to be yourself?  Do you only let people see certain parts of you? Do you only share what you think they will accept and agree with? This is not uncommon.  Although there is an allure and great freedom awaiting you when you live fully as the person you...

Your Story Is Whatever You Decide

The two articles we are sharing this week both speak about the significance of storytelling.  Truly, we are all storytellers; whether we tell stories to ourselves, about ourselves or about our observances, perspectives and circumstances, we are thinking and speaking...

What American Idol Does for America

It’s true that as Americans we love to celebrate winning; not the Charlie Sheen version, but honest to goodness winning.  We think we like to see the final result and to crown a victor, but the truth is that we love the process and the journey even more than we love...

The Hum-Bug and Happy of the Holidays

Is it getting to you yet?  Do you feel the pressure and push of the holiday season?  And even though you’d like to be jolly and bright, you find yourself being a bit of a Scrooge?  No worries.  There are lots of people who feel this way on and off during the holiday...
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