by Sue Urda | Sep 13, 2013 | Allowing, Empowerment, Stress
They happen to everyone at some time or another. You wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with the remnants of a crazy dream swirling around in your head. You missed the deadline, or you forgot to send that email, or you really need to have an answer...
by Sue Urda | Apr 10, 2013 | Duplicate, Uncategorized
Tension is something that can sneak up on you gradually or it can happen in a moment. However your tension shows up for you, you can be sure that if you are experiencing tension in your emotional life, you will also experience tension in your physical body. When you...
by Sue Urda | Jan 31, 2012 | Energy, Healing, Stress
Tension is something that can sneak up on you gradually or it can happen in a moment. One thing you can be sure of is if you are experiencing tension in your emotional life, you will also experience tension in your physical body. When you are tense, you may...
by Sue Urda | Dec 16, 2010 | Holidays, Joy, Stress
Is it getting to you yet? Do you feel the pressure and push of the holiday season? And even though you’d like to be jolly and bright, you find yourself being a bit of a Scrooge? No worries. There are lots of people who feel this way on and off during the holiday...
by Sue Urda | Feb 3, 2010 | Healing, Peace and Calm, Stress
Tension is something that can sneak up on you gradually or it can happen in a moment. However your tension shows up for you, you can be sure that if you are experiencing tension in your emotional life, you will also experience tension in your physical body. When you...