Have You Forgotten Mother’s Day Already?

We haven’t! Why? Because Mother’s Day celebrates one of the most important relationships of our lives. Our mothers are our first loves, our first connection to the world, and in the womb they are literally our source for life. We rely on our mothers for nourishment,...

Open the Door to Your Soul

Lies.  Fibs.  White Lies.  Half-truths.  Real Whoppers.  Is there a difference?  Many of us like to think so.  We rationalize why it’s okay to speak something that isn’t exactly true.  Sometimes we say things that are partially true.  We omit parts of the story.  We...

You Don’t Need Fixing

What is this incessant need to make ourselves better? Why don’t we accept who we are and what we have as enough? Blame it on Your Parents Sure, this sounds a little bit harsh, but there is no denying the conditioning that took place in our formative years. We idolized...

No Matter the Question, LOVE is the Answer

It’s true.  There is not a single situation, circumstance or person that cannot be answered with love.  A loving response carries with it the essence of life and, as such, is always welcomed and understood at the level of Spirit. When You Answer with LOVE You will...

Mirror, Mirror of Myself

We’ve all had times in our life when we meet someone, and we experience dejavu. We could swear we’ve met them before. In an attempt to make the connection, we ask lots of questions to figure out how we might know them. ‘Did you grow up in Texas?’ ‘Where did you go to...

We Need Each Other

Scientists have been studying the interaction of human beings for centuries and the conclusion is always the same. We need each other. Physically we have a need for human touch. Infants who are not held and touched in their first months of life either die or become...
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