Trying and Failing

This past month I entered a contest and lost. I didn’t win. I didn’t get the prize. I didn’t get the title. I failed. AND…I am already looking for the next contest, and I’ll be happy again even if I fail. Why? Am I a glutton for punishment? No, in fact it is exactly...

Fabric of Life

Think about a time that you were completely wrapped up in a project – worked wholeheartedly and seemingly non-stop and then suddenly, boom…it’s over. Have you ever felt like you don’t know what to do with yourself?  I mean, now that the party is over, the thing...

Back to Basics

In times of turmoil, angst and strife we seek comfort in that which we call ‘normal’.  We look for signs of what we know to be true, and we look for feelings that we are familiar with.  Truly when we experience an upheaval of any kind, there are moments of...

What’s Your Tipping Point?

There is a specific point in time, a special number when reached that a critical mass meets the outer limit of its’ current comfort zone… At that very second, the scales tip, never to return again to their former existence and place in the world. It is at this time...

Do You Give Away Your Power?

As you move through each day, there are many moments of choice. In fact, your whole day is made up of choices. The question is, are you consciously choosing your course of action, or are you submitting to the whims and wishes of others without taking in to account...
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