
Gratitude is a Practice

Gratitude is a Practice

Gratitude is a Practice Feeling grateful is something you have done on and off your whole life. As a child, you were in an almost constant state of gratitude, because you were always drawn to that which made you feel good. There are specific moments that are etched...

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Blips on the Screen of Life

Blips on the Screen of Life

I’ve been thinking a lot lately how random life seems at times, and yet how purposeful it can be. It depends greatly on our thoughts and actions…and isn’t that always the case? Here are some musings on the topic. Blips on the Screen of Life There are occasional...

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You Matter & Someone Loves You

You Matter & Someone Loves You

Sometimes we find ourselves questioning the meaning of life. We wonder what our true purpose is. We ask questions like, why is life so hard, why is there so much suffering, and what am I really here for? Sometimes we even ask the question, why am I alive? I just...

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Make a Bigger Difference

Make a Bigger Difference

To all change makers and lightworkers, YOU are already making a unique and meaningful contribution to the empowerment of individuals through your work, your relationships, and your actions. I know it's important to you and, if you're like us, you want to make an even...

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The Gift of a Birthday

The Gift of a Birthday

Birthday’s are supposed to be happy and special days filled with celebrations, presents, expressions of love, and well wishes for a dreamy year ahead. They are typically brimming with things like cake and ice cream, hugs and kisses, flowers and the blowing out of...

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I Love Him More

I Love Him More

I didn’t think it was possible – for love to continue to grow after someone has left the planet - but I realize it’s not only possible, it’s happened for me. Two days ago was the 21st anniversary of my father’s passing. For some reason when I woke on this day I felt...

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Making Room for What Matters Most

Making Room for What Matters Most

"If anything is worth doing, it's worth doing badly." ~Martha N. Beck Your day starts off as it usually does – wake up, take a shower, make breakfast and pack lunches, get the kids off to school, kiss hubby goodbye and settle into your routine. And then, bam! The...

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Holidays and Milestones

Holidays and Milestones

Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries naturally call for celebratory activities. When the holidays are here the expectation is that we are happy, jolly, light and in a ‘spiritual’ state of mind and heart. Are you feelin’ it? Sometimes it is tough to get in the spirit...

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The Flow of the Universe is Abundant

The Flow of the Universe is Abundant

If you ever doubt that there is abundance in the world, all you need do is look around you. There is an abundance of beauty in nature. Trees, flowers, grass, butterflies, birds, rain, clouds… these are the bounty of Mother Earth. As you look to the people around you, you will see kindness and helpfulness, laughter and joy, teaching and sharing, love and compassion… these are the bounty of humanity.

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The Power of A Superstorm

The Power of A Superstorm

WOW!  Who knew we would be living through one of the worst storms ever in the history of the Northeast United States?  Even if you were not in the path of Superstorm Sandy, you have surely seen and heard the devastation that has taken place across much of our...

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Thanks for Giving and Thanks for Receiving

Thanks for Giving and Thanks for Receiving

GRATITUDE is a feeling in your heart that resonates through your entire body.  It doesn’t matter if you are on the giving or receiving end of gratitude – it works just the same.  As it moves through you, it literally makes you healthier and happier.  You know this is...

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The Gift of a Gratitude Share (and how to hold one)

The Gift of a Gratitude Share (and how to hold one)

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart The longtime holiday of Thanksgiving is a perfect reminder of one of the most sacred spiritual practices we can bring into our lives; the practice of gratitude....

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A Bad Mood is and Indicator of Change

A Bad Mood is and Indicator of Change

Have you ever woken up ‘grumpy” or with a pervasive feeling of dread or sadness?  You search your mind wondering where these feelings and thoughts come from, and you have no answer - just this horrible bad mood to deal with. So you try to change your mood by looking...

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It’s Better Because of You

It’s Better Because of You

By your inherent nature and energy, you continually affect everything and everyone you come in contact with.  The combined energy of your heart space and your brain send ‘waves’ to all that surrounds you and simply by thinking and feeling, you literally create the...

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Are You Truly Alive?

Are You Truly Alive?

You know you are TRULY ALIVE when, upon awakening in the morning and realizing you are still on the planet, you thank the heavens for this new day and for your beautiful life. And you feel joyful and blessed for the opportunity of another chance to show up, share love...

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Are You Merry and Bright?

Are You Merry and Bright?

‘Tis the season for good cheer, peace on earth and blessings. So why do you have moments of overwhelm and even sadness when the rest of the world seems to be merry and bright? It’s simple. The holidays bring up and amplify for us those emotions that may have been...

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Thanks for Giving and Thanks for Receiving

Thanks for Giving and Thanks for Receiving

GRATITUDE is a feeling in your heart that resonates through your entire body. It doesn’t matter if you are on the giving or receiving end of gratitude – it works just the same. As it moves through you, it literally makes you healthier and happier. You know this is...

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Giving as a Way of Life

We know that giving has a way of making us feel really, really good. This, in and of itself, is a good enough reason to give of yourself, your energy, your time and your stuff to others. As you feel good, more good is drawn unto you. Therefore, focusing your attention...

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Think Pink

When we hear these words, most of our thoughts automatically go to breast cancer. We think of the women we know who are directly affected - our friends, family members, colleagues, people in our spiritual circles, celebrities and others. We think of the women and...

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