Use The Plunger

THE WATER is running from the faucet and the drain appears to be open, yet the water sits unmoving in the sink basin.  What gives?  Apparently there is some sort of obstruction in the pipe that is the inner workings of the sink and now, it is clogged.  Stuff that you...

Moving to the Next Level

Life is good and everything is pretty much “copasetic “. You’re healthy and have people who love you, you have a roof over your head and food to eat. Things could definitely be worse and you really don’t have much to complain about, right? So why do you feel there is...

Making Tough Decisions

It should be easy to make decisions, right? You lay out the facts, make lists if pros and cons, get some expert advice and then you simply pick. If it were that easy though, we wouldn’t have so much angst and indecision in our lives. We would flit through life,...

Reflect, Release and Recharge

As we enter the new year, we find ourselves reflecting on the status of our lives. We look back on where have we been, what we have we done, whom have we interacted with and why things turned out as they did. We find ourselves happily rejoicing over successes,...

Where Are You Headed?

Have you taken time to evaluate where you’re headed in your life? Have you looked at where you are versus where you would like to be? You can start by taking a few minutes to look at your current circumstances and comparing them to where you were a year ago. Has the...
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