by Sue Urda | Jun 25, 2015 | Empowerment
The 4th of July holiday is coming up next weekend and, as we know here in America, it’s a tradition to celebrate Independence Day with BBQs, beach-going, parties, flag-flying, and fireworks. I was thinking about the USA celebrating her independence as a nation, and...
by Sue Urda | Apr 25, 2013 | Awareness, Consciousness, Mindfulness
Yep, I just learned it this week. Overwhelm is a verb. It is not a noun. It is not a thing in and of itself. It is not something that we can easily point to and identify without linking it to something else. You have to be overwhelmed by something or because of...
by Sue Urda | Apr 27, 2011 | Consciousness, Gratitude, Mindfulness
By your inherent nature and energy, you continually affect everything and everyone you come in contact with. The combined energy of your heart space and your brain send ‘waves’ to all that surrounds you and simply by thinking and feeling, you literally create the...
by Sue Urda | Apr 7, 2011 | Abundance, Inspiration, Mindfulness
What you are seeing around you at this very moment has very little to do with what is possible for your future. The situation you are currently in is a direct reflection of your past thinking and actions. What lies before you is whatever you decide and think about and...
by Sue Urda | Mar 30, 2011 | Mindfulness, Peace and Calm
How are you feeling today? How would you like to feel today? Happy? Joyful? Peaceful? PEACE: A feeling of ease and calm within, no matter what exists around you. A feeling doesn’t happen to you, it is produced within your mind. Your feelings are derived from your...